
Below is a few gotchas that you may run into when using rezact. We are actively working on trying to improve these areas. But for now this guide should help you get around some of these issues.

Would love to have contributions to the rezact code base to help improve!

Mutating Signals directly in JSX

Consider the following common example where we are mapping over a list and we want to number the list. We can do this by using the {$idx + 1} signal. And this will probably work most of the time. But if you try to filter the list, you will notice that the numbers don't update in the way would expect.

A lot of this has to do with the way rezact handles lists and tries to intelligently update the DOM. Like just removing items from the DOM that are no longer needed instead of re-rendering the entire list from scratch.

This is because the results of the statement {$idx + 1} is not a signal, it is a value. So it will only be evaluated once.

  $$todo, $idx) => (
      {$idx + 1} - {$todo.$text}

To fix this, we need to make sure that what we pass into our JSX is a Signal. In this case we can simply do a reactive computation statement as shown below:

  $$todo, $idx) => {
    let $idxPlusOne = $idx + 1;
    return (
        {$idxPlusOne} - {$todo.$text}

DOM/JSX events (onClick, onSubmit, etc..)

Often we reach for writing function expression directly in our JSX like the example below:

return (
  <button onClick={() => $todos.push({ $text: "New Todo" })}>Add Todobutton>

But you may find buggy or broken behavior when trying to do this. This is becuase the rezact compiler is looking for signals in the JSX and trying to instrument them properly. So the $todos.push will be recognized by the compiler and potentially modified. We can fix this by moving the function expression outside of the JSX like so:

  const addTodo = () => $todos.push({ $text: "New Todo" });
  return <button onClick={addTodo}>Add Todobutton>;

Signal Object dot notation

Many times when create Maps and Signals or Objects with reactive properties the compiler may make mistakes and not instrument the code properly. This is currently a known issue. The workaround in most cases is to extract the property using destructuring.

const todo = { $text: "New Todo" };
const $text = todo.$text; // This may not work
const { $text } = todo; // This will work

Passing Signals around and getting the value when you need it

In rezact passing a signal around is easy. But sometimes you may want to pass the value of the signal around instead of the signal itself. The example below shows a common mistake that you may run into and how to fix it.

import { getVal } from "@rezact/rezact/signals";

const $num = 5;

function addOne(num: number) {
  return num + 1;

// this will not work becuase $num is a signal

// this will work

Of course if the function is expecting a signal, then you can just pass the signal directly.

const $num = 5;

// still need to use number type here as
// typescript will complain otherwise
// the key difference here is that we
// have prefixed the argument with a $ sign
// the rezact compiler will recognize this
// and instrument the code properly
function addOne($num: number) {
  return $num + 1;

// this will work

// this will not work